You will likely appear before a family law judge on multiple occasions during your divorce proceedings and then again after it is finalized. These courtroom proceedings are crucial to the success of your case, and your conduct during them is a vital factor in obtaining a successful outcome. So before you go in to court for the first time, read up on these valuable tips for how to conduct yourself in a courtroom.
Dress to Impress
Business attire is strongly encouraged in a courtroom. For ladies, conservative, professional dresses or suits are strongly encouraged. For gentlemen, suits with a white button-down shirt are acceptable. Both sexes should avoid bright colors as much as possible, though a tasteful but colorful necktie for men is fine. Women should wear close-toed shoes to each proceeding, with men wearing business dress shoes. Keep your hairstyle conservative and neatly groomed. You want to appear as prepared and put-together as possible as your image will likely have an influence on the judge’s opinion.
Be Respectful
How you look is only half of what you need to know; how you act is equally, if not more important. Courtrooms are places that demand the utmost respect, and the judge will enforce this strictly. When someone else is speaking, do not interrupt them for any reason. If your lawyer has an objection, they will speak up on your behalf. Meanwhile, the best thing you can do is sit quietly and listen to whoever is speaking, and answer their questions if you are addressed specifically.
Your conduct outside of the courtroom is important as well. One of the most important rules is also one of the simplest: do not be late. On days where you have court hearings, plan ahead and leave time for traffic, delays, and parking. Being late is not only a tremendous waste of time for all of those involved, but also money on behalf of both you and your spouse. It also will annoy your judge and reflect poorly on your character and ability as a parent to manage simple tasks, which will only harm your case if child custody and visitation provisions are involved.
If you need assistance with your own divorce case, the San Diego family attorneys at Fair Cadora, APC may be able to help you. Our firm proudly provides all of our clients with experienced and proven legal counsel that has received accolades, including recognition as a Board Certified Family Law Specialist by the California Board of Legal Specialization. We have the resources, knowledge, client service you need to navigate your case, making us a top choice in Southern California.
Please contact the firm today to schedule a consultation to discuss your options.