Most divorces begin for a number of usual reasons, such as lost passion in the relationship or the parties have fallen out of love or irreconcilable differences. But for a select few, the reasons for pursuing divorce are quite a bit different than what you would expect. On this blog, we look at three divorces from around the world which began for particularly strange reasons.
Un-Natural Beauty
A man in China married his beautiful wife, whom he was absolutely enamored with. Soon after, she birthed their first daughter, but much to the man’s dismay, the daughter didn’t look like either of them. In fact, the man described her as “hideously ugly.” Fearing that she would be accused of infidelity, she finally confessed to her husband that she had spent more than $100,000 on plastic surgery to get her stunning good looks. Sadly, there was no “beauty on the inside” moral to this story, as the husband then sued his wife, won, and obtained a divorce.
Too Many Pets
Pets are a big part of a marriage, and visitation or custody can be a huge issue in a divorce. But one man in Israel was surprised to come home one day and find that his wife had adopted not one, not two, but 550 cats. While he initially supported his wife’s decision, he eventually became fed up and filed for divorce after realizing how much of his income was being spent on cat food. That and he was also probably fed up of finding multiple cats in every single corner of his house at all times.
A Bad Gamble
A Russian man with a serious gambling problem was playing a poker game that was not going well. Having already lost his life savings, he believed his luck was about to turn around, so he bet the one thing he had left: his wife. His luck would not change, and he lost. When the winner showed up to collect his winnings, the gambler’s wife was so furious that she immediately filed for divorce.
Further twisting the knife for the gambler, the man who defeated him and his now-ex-wife began dating after the incident, and were married themselves not long afterward.
Whatever your reasons for wishing to file for divorce, the attorneys at Fair Cadora may be able to assist you. We have earned numerous recognitions for our client service and legal acumen, including Attorney Fair being named a Board Certified Family Law Specialist by the California Board of Legal Specialization.
Please call the firm today to schedule a consultation to discuss your options.